Twixl Publisher 8 is now available
Luk Dhondt
It's only been five months since we released Twixl Publisher 7, and here we are already with the next release!

What's new in TP8?
- There's a new "Twixl" app for previewing your article-based apps in a very easy way. This app replaces the "Twixl App Reviewer"
- Article-based apps can now be previewed in the iOS Simulator
- Support for full-text search in article-based apps
- Support for segmented push notifications (send a push message by platform - iOS and/or Android)
- Support for deep linking: lets you open a particular article/collection from the push message
- Push notifications on Android are now sent using Firebase
- Added support for the late 2018 iPad Pro models
- Added support for Adobe InDesign CC Server 2019
Twixl Publisher 8 is available for download on our Learning and Support site (requires login).