Twixl Publisher 18
Twixl Media
Here's an overview of what's new
- Content item alias are now available as an alternative for weblinks. This way you can add multiple aliases to a collection link item. Alias items don't show up in the downloads page and make it more organised for the reader.
- The “Library" feature allows the publisher to display all the collections that are free for a user (either because the collection is free, the user has purchased the collection or is entitled to the collection) by using tp-library:// (e.g. in the Hamburger Menu).
- All connections within our apps are https-only now.
- Permissions have been optimised so your customer gets less permission requests.
- Miscellaneous fixes and minor enhancements (iOS, Android & Twixl Platform)
- The minimum requirements for the mobile apps are iOS 14 and Android 7
- The Reports menu has been replaced by a Reports page (platform)
- All reports can now be exported as .csv (platform)
- Added support for using test payments in the Twixl app (Android)
- Removed automatic page numbering from PDFs (iOS & Android)
- Lots of under the hood changes and improvements (Android)
- Miscellaneous fixes (iOS & Android)